That's what I'm driving now

taking pictures for trucking and RV magazines.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Back in business.

I know, I know, I did not post anything for a long time. We wanted to go for another trip in January but my boss got sick and I had to fill in for him. Vacation postponed. Then I found out: the place where I worked for 9 years was sold. Vacation postponed again. A few weeks full of worries, then the new boss told us: everybody is going to have a job under the new management, but the official way is: you will be laid off from the old company then rehired by the new. In plain English: you are loosing your years, seniority and your paid vacation because you are a new employee now. The takeover was scheduled for the end of February, just enough time left for a short vacation. ( rather then loosing it ) We had lot of snow in January meaning I’m getting more and more desperate for a little sunshine. We decided to leave on a Saturday but ended up in the emergency instead. ( wife did not feel well) Vacation postponed again. You would think so??!! We left the emergency in the afternoon and I asked my wife: we are going home right? No way she said, we have been waiting long enough for this trip, we are going. We toke a big risk leaving for a vacation straight out of the emergency, have you ever heard of preexisting condition? In 2 days we were in the desert and enjoyed the 31 degree temperature.

My old job is history. If that is not enough...

... the weather really makes you feel screw....

Vacation starts in the emergency...makes you feel even more sorry for yourself.

But 2 days later we enjoyed the January weather in the California desert.

Filled up the fridge in Little Rock California at the Hungarian Sausage Factory.

The Palm Spring area was really hot, we decided to head for Arizona, I always wanted to check out the famous Quartzsite RV Show. More about it next week....

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