That's what I'm driving now

taking pictures for trucking and RV magazines.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 30

We’ve left San Felipe around noon, the 10 mile construction on Hwy Mex 5 was much better, it was dry now. When we got to the border I couldn’t believe my eyes: a 2 hrs line up and it was exactly 2 hrs bumper to bumper along the wall. Local vendors selling just about everything for the travelers from religious paintings and statues of Jesus to refreshment. The most unbelievable thing: about 200 yards from the border crossing full of guards young kids are throwing big plastic bags over the fence and then run. Just guess what could be in those bags. Finally got out at 5 pm; did some grocery shopping and parked it in Calexico.
10 miles of dirt road

2 hrs bumper to bumper at the border-the tall fence on the right is the wall

A cross saying "unidentified" remembers those who died here while trying to climb the wall.

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