Weather got cooler as soon as we left the Coachella Valley, Joshua Tree Park is between 3-4000 feet high desert. It was so good to drive through the park again, stopped often to take lots of pictures. Last year we bought the annual pass for all the National Parks in the US, so this time it did not cost a penny. Once out of the park we headed north on 247, then on 18 west towards Palmdale and for a good reason. There is a Hungarian Sausage Factory store on hwy 18 in Littlerock; we just made it there 10 minutes before they closed. Bought bunch of good stuff, fridge is full, (life is good here).Drove another 10 minutes to Palmdale, fund a nice Wal Mart and a McDonalds just across the street with WiFi. After we have done all the uploads, e-mails, we decided to stay right here in Palmdale.

Driving through Joshua Tree National Park.

Driving through Joshua Tree National Park.

One of the great camp sites inside the park.

La Cholla cactus forest in the park